There will be no midweek Lenten service or meal on Wednesday, March 13.
Since Pastor Kranz will be absent for the next couple of weeks, attending to a family matter, the schedule at Mount Calvary will necessarily change. Most noticeably, there will be no Lenten midweek services or meals. Also, until further notice, our regular Thursday and Saturday Matins service will be canceled, along with Saturday morning Catechesis. Below you will find a list of the services still scheduled for Lent. Devotional booklets have been placed in everyone's mailbox and there are booklets for Lenten Matins on the counter next to the mailboxes if you would like to pray Matins with your family. If there are any further updates or changes, we will get that information out via announcements and this website. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Unfortunately, due to illness, the Divine Service commemorating the Baptism of our Lord has been cancelled. If you would like to commemorate this feast at home the propers are as follows:
The Baptism of our Lord
Dearly beloved brethren, know that as we have rejoiced in the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, so there is announced to you by the mercy of God the joyous observance of the Resurrection of the same our Savior:
In this year of Our Lord TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-THREE, which commenced on Sunday the First day of January, being the Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Our Lord, there will be four Sundays after the Epiphany, until Septuagesima Sunday which will occur on the Fifth of February.
The Twenty-second of February is Ash Wednesday, and begins the sacred forty days of Lent.
On the Ninth of April we shall celebrate with great rejoicing the glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.
The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven will be recalled forty days thereafter, on the Eighteenth of May.
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost will be celebrated on the Twenty-eighth of May.
The Feast of the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity will be observed on the Fourth of June.
There will be twenty-five Sundays after Trinity, until on the Third of December, being the first Sunday in the Advent of Our Lord, a new Year of Grace will begin.
To our Lord + Jesus Christ be honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
Upcoming Feasts and Festivals
Be on the lookout for a full liturgical calendar to be posted in the coming days!
The services commemorating the Feasts of Saint John (Dec 27) and the Holy Innocents (Dec 28) have been cancelled due to illness. If you would like to observe these feasts at home, the propers are as follows:
The Feast of Saint John, the Apostle and Evangelist (December 27)
The Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs (December 28)